Message from HOD

Humanity leaves immortal echoes through its history in the form of language, art, and architecture. Architecture is a connection with the immortal past, yet revitalizing it for new generations. The architects are the arbiters of our future history. Architecture is a melting pot of various disciplines. When we study this course, we also get to study various fields of human endeavor, including design, art, history, construction, material science, physics, and engineering.

At Delhi Technical Campus, we provide a promising and futuristic Architecture program. Our focus is on emerging trends in Architecture and on a knowledge-guided based approach that is equipping young architects to face the challenges head-on. Highly professional faculty helps the students in shaping their creative and growing ideas in various subjects of the curriculum.

Keeping in focus the Institute’s goals to create socially responsible citizens, various events allow our students to interact with different fractions of society. Be it underprivileged people, or affluent performing artists, students are sensitized to life outside of a technical institution. A special lecture series ‘Le Corbusier Lecture Series’ is organized in college timely so that students can widen their angle about the profession and have knowledge regarding technological advancements and design philosophies.

Study tours are undertaken by combining needs for case studies and measured drawing exercises. While providing a welcome breath of freedom to students, they are an integral part of architectural pedagogy. Our students regularly participate in NASA (National Association of Students of Architecture). The annual and regional NASA events attended by students are both an opportunity for fun as well as co-curricular activities.

As an architect, a fresh graduate is expected to be a thorough professional. At the Department of Architecture, we emphasize the student’s ability to be an expert of tomorrow. Architecture is inherently creative and imaginative and that should make its education inspiring, exciting, interactive, imaginative, and enjoyable that is precisely what we try to do at Delhi Technical Campus.