The institute’s Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established in 2018. The purpose of this Internal Quality Assurance Cell is

  • To engrain quality culture in the Institution.
  • To develop mechanisms and procedures to improve academic performance and administrative tasks.
  • To undertake various initiatives towards developing and applying quality benchmarks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities.

The diverse tasks of IQAC involvethe dissemination of information on various quality parameters, organization of workshops & seminars on quality-related themes, documentation of the various activities and processes, conducting annual internal quality audits and connecting with the stakeholders for the sustenance cum enhancement of the overall quality culture.The cell conducts the audits to monitor the activities undertaken in the department; the internal academic audits are aligned with the external academic audit of the university.

Roles & Responsibilities of IQAC:

  • Development and implementation of quality policies
  • Coordination and monitoring of quality assurance
  • Organization of workshops and training programs
  • Implementation of feedback mechanisms
  • Facilitation of accreditation and assessment processes

The IQAC is constituted for 2022-23 as in Table B.7.2

Prof. Ranjit Varma Chair Person
Mr. Aman Sahni Management Representative
Prof. Pranay Tanwar Faculty Member
Prof. Tanya Gupta Faculty Member
Prof. Malvika Chaudhary Faculty Member
Prof. Seema Verma Faculty Member
Prof. Ankit Gambhir


Faculty Member
Mr. Vijay Jindal Finance Representative
Mr. Amit Kumar Sharma Administration Representative
Mr. Abdul Shariq Alumni Representative, B Tech. Batch 2016-20
Mr. R V Gopal Local Community Representative
Mr. Agrim Kulshreshta Student Representative B Tech, Batch 2022-26
Mr. Prashant Khare Employer Representative
Mr. K Pandey Stakeholder Representative (Parent)
Prof. Kimmi Verma Coordinator, IQAC


Figures B.7.2a to B.7.2e show the sample academic audit conducted through IQAC.

Figure B.7.2a

Figure B.7.2b

Figure B.7.2c

Figure B.7.2d

Figure B.7.2e