Research Webinar on Internet of Drones: Research Challenges and Recent Advances

Date: 27th April 2023

Time: 11:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Platform: Da Vinci Auditorium, Delhi Technical Campus

Delhi Technical Campus organized a Webinar on ‘Internet of Drones: Research Challenges and Recent Advances”

Objective: The purpose of the lecture was to enlighten students and faculty about the research methods adopted on the said topic, research challenges and recent developments associated with IOD.

Dr. Ashish Payal, Associate Professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, USICT, GGSIPU, Delhi delivered this webinar. He is an eminent researcher and a profound academician.

During the webinar, Dr. Payal enlightened the faculty and students with her great knowledge and experience in the field of IOD. He covered the essential criteria of security, privacy, and communication in his lecture and presented a taxonomy of IoD based on the most pertinent factors. He also spoke about the difficulties and potential avenues for IoD research.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understanding the fundamentals of IoD
  • Learn research challenges and recent developments associated with IOD.
  • Gaining Knowledge of the research projects conducted in GGSIPU

The Webinar was successfully coordinated by the research cell faculty coordinators.

Total Participants/Attendees:

Students: Above 125

Faculty: Above 10

Snapshots from the event:

Fig 1. Students and Faculty of DTC as attendees of the lecture


Creatives of the event:

Fig 2. Backdrop of the Event

IPR Awareness Programme

Date: 21 March 2023
Time: 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Venue: Google Meet

A patent is a product or a technique that, in general, proposes a new technical approach to a problem or offers a new way of accomplishing something. An innovation is granted an exclusive privilege known as a patent. In order to secure a patent, technical information pertaining to the innovation must be made available in the application.

Delhi Technical Campus, Greater Noida has organized a Seminar on IPR Awareness Programme for 3rd Year students on 21March 2023, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The speaker for the session was Dr Rubi Goal, NIPAM and TIFAC, Coordinator.

Objectives of the Session

  • To create awareness about the IPR.
  • Types of IPR
  • How Can a Research Patent Be Obtained?

Learning Outcomes

  • Different types of IPR
  • Right of Authors of Copyrighted work
  • Indication of Trademark
  • Patent and its filing

Students Present

Students : 56
Faculty: 11

Some Glimpse of the Session

Research Lecture on Corbusier’s Chandigarh: a quest for modernity(Case Analysis)  

Date: 21st March, 2023

Time: 11:00 am

Platform: Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh

Department of Architecture, DTC organised a Research Lecture on ‘Corbusier’s Chandigarh:a quest for modernity(Case Analysis)’ by Ar. Deepika Gandhi on 21 March 2023, 11am onwards at Chandigarh College of Architecture as a part of Educational trip for 4th year students. The focus of this lecture was to make the students familiarise about the Chandigarh city by exploring & revisiting many of Le Corbusier’s ideas in present case scenario. This lecture gave more clarity and broaden their horizons while exploring the prospect of urban development of Chandigarh city.

Deepika Gandhi, a faculty member of the Chandigarh College of Architecture since 2002, is presently the Director, Le Corbusier Centre and Chandigarh Architecture Museum. She worked on the preparation of the Dossier for the ‘World Heritage’ nomination of the Capitol Complex, Chandigarh and is actively engaged in promoting its heritage. She supervised the restoration of the erstwhile house of Pierre Jeanneret, to establish a Jeanneret Museum there and also undertook restoration of the Le Corbusier Centre for further expansion. She has co-authored the book Le Corbusier Rediscovered: Chandigarh and beyond.

The event commenced with the host giving an introduction of the speaker, Ar. Deepika Gandhi. This was followed by an enlightening lecture that sparked several interesting discussions between the speaker and the students. It finally concluded with a vote of thanks for the speaker, event coordinators and the audience.

Report Published By: Department of Architecture, DTC

Total Participants/Attendees: 76 NOs

Snapshots from the event:


Creatives of the event:



Research Methodology adopted in the field Architecture, Planning, Preservation, and Urban Development-Case study of Chandigarh City

Date: 20th March 2023

Time: 7:00 pm

Platform: Hotel Diamond Plaza, Chandigarh

Department of Architecture, DTC is organized a Research Lecture on ‘Research Methodology adopted in the field Architecture, Planning, Preservation and urban Development-Case study of Chandigarh City’  by Ar. Surinder Bagha on 20th March 2023, 7:00pm onwards at Hotel Diamond, Chandigarh as a part of Educational trip for 4th year students. The focus of this lecture was to make the students familiarise about the evolution of Chandigarh city – India’s first planned city. This lecture gave more awareness to the students towards understanding different urban design layers through which a city can be read and documented.

Architect Surinder Bahga founder Saakaar Foundation” in Chandigarh in 1984. Ar. Bahga was given Sir M. Visveswaraya Award in 1995 by HUDCO for energy-efficient housing design. His Baptist Church at Chandigarh is selected by Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources and TERI as one of the best 41 energy-efficient buildings in India. Awarded with Michael Ventris Award from Architectural Association, London. He has co-authored three books namely “New Indian Homes” and “Le Corbusier & Pierre Jeanneret” Chairman of IIA, Chandigarh-Punjab Chapter for two terms (2008-2012). Chairman of IIA Publication Board and Editor of Journal of Indian Institute of Architects from January 2013 to May, 2015. Councillor in Chandigarh Municipal Corporation for the term 2012-16. Chairman of Chandigarh Municipal Corporation’s Committee for “Buildings & Roads”. member of Advisory Committee of India’s Home Minister on Union Territories. Head of Chandigarh Sub-Chapter of FSAI and Chairman of GEM Chandigarh Chapter.

The event commenced with the host giving an introduction of the speaker, Architect Surinder Bahga. This was followed by an enlightening lecture that sparked several interesting discussions between the speaker and the students. It finally concluded with a vote of thanks for the speaker, event coordinators and the audience.

Report Published By: Department of Architecture, DTC

Total Participants/Attendees: 76 NOs

Snapshots from the event:


Creatives of the event:



Date: 7th December 2022
Time: 11:10 a.m. to 12:50 p.m.
Venue: Room-A13, Delhi Technical Campus, Greater Noida

Delhi Technical Campus, Greater Noida has organized a workshop session on “Business Research” for BBA, MBA and B.Com course students on 7th December 2022 from 11:10 a.m. to 12:50 p.m.

The speaker of the session was Mr. Sandeep Bhatia, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Delhi Technical Campus, Greater Noida.

Objectives of the Session

  • To develop conceptual clarity about research.
  • To introduce students to equip the participants with a set of skills and potentiality to undertake the research and identify opportunities.
  • To familiarize students with contemporary issues in business research.
  • To familiarize students with the importance of business research and its contribution towards the Indian economy.

 Learning Outcome

During the session, the students were made aware of how to identify business opportunities by recognizing problems and conducting research.

Students learnt the conceptual and practical aspects of Business Research. The Workshop focused on significance, design, techniques, and modern trends in business research.

Students Present 

S.No. Name of the Course Total Students Present
   1. BBA 17
   2. MBA 07
   3. B.Com 18
Total Students Present 42

Some Glimpse of the Session