Awaaz – The Publication Club, Delhi Technical Campus, Greater Noida


  • We aim to provide a platform for dedicated students to do something unique so that they can bring laurels to their name and to the college also.
  • The mission of the club shall be consistent with the mission of Delhi Technical Campus.


  • To develop and enhance educational and professional capabilities in delivering quality and sustainable services to all students.
  • We are committed to develop students, who are socially conscious leaders, entrepreneurs, and technocrats for facilitating and enhancing global competitiveness of the students.
  • To continue achieving sustainable, quality growth.

“AWAAZ” is run by students under the guidance of the faculty members of Delhi Technical Campus.

We want to improve the general well-being of the entire student body through various literary and extra-curricular activities.

We’re a non-profit, self-funded club with all profits put back into improving the education of students at DTC.

  • The mission, activities, and practices of the club shall not be in conflict with applicable Laws, Policies and Procedures of the college and the University presently in force or hereafter enacted.
  • This club shall abide by all applicable rules and regulations of the college & University and work under the privileges as granted by the Office of Student Activities and Deans. This club shall also abide by the rules and regulations of the University and the Board of Trustees as stated in the Delhi Technical Campus Student Handbook.
  • Hazing and harassment practices by the club shall be prohibited.
  • All Members shall have equal rights and privileges with respect to holding an office, participating in the selections/nomination of the officers of the club but they must satisfy the given conditions
  1. The member must maintain an academic attendance of not less than 70%.
  2. The member must maintain a good academic record.
  3. The member should not be in detention or any other with a punishment of similar type.

Faculty Co-ordinators:

Vhuyashi Das
Akshita Nagar

Student Co-ordinators:

Abdul Shariq
Shubhrat Singhal

Events - Year 2018

Keeping in mind the targets and goals of AWAAZ, the literary and publication club of Delhi Technical Campus club, it was decided to organize a Model United Conference on 11th September, 2018.

The DTC MUN, was the first of its kind of event to be held in Delhi Technical Campus featuring 16 countries, 64 students and 2 committees. The committees were the General Assembly and the Security Council.

The judges for the event were Prof. JP Mahajan, Ar. Arundhati Khasnabis, Mr. Etkaf Hasan Khan and Mr. Ankit Gambhir.

The agenda for General Assembly was Socio-Economic Development of the World. One delegate from each country was required to give a speech on the above mentioned topic. The session proved to be a very productive one with each delegate representing a country. The speeches featured the viewpoints of delegates to move the world in forward direction in a sustainable way. It also showcased the accomplishments of various countries and their future plans for the world development. For the UNGA, Honourable Mention Awards were given to Inderdeep Singh, Simran Rajhans, Melvin Verghese, Shailesh Sharma, Mohd. Sahil and as a token of appreciation for their commendable performance in the session. They were given novels along with Honourable Mention Certificates, as awards for the event.

The agenda for the Security Council was American Intervention on International Soil. The session proved to be a successful one with most of the countries presenting their viewpoints on the agenda and USA was seen defending itself and its international actions. For UNSC, the outstanding delegates were Prachi Bisht(Russian Federation) and Shubhrat Singhal(United States of America). Himanshu Adhikari(Vietnam) was adjusted as the best delegate. They were awarded specially designed AWAAZ mugs and Parker pen.

The event turned out to be a very successful one.At the end, a special vote of thanks was given to the faculty conveners of the club- Vhuyashi Das and Akshita Nagar and words of appreciation for the student conveners.

‘AWAAZ’, the Literary Club of Delhi Technical Campus, organized two events in the techno-cultural fest, Vikiran 2018, which was held on 16th and 17th of March, 2018.

Awaaz organized three events:


Game of shows

Creative writing

The event coordinators for these events were:

Debate- Aarushi Bhatia
Game of Shows- Nikki Sharma
Creative Writing- Bhawna Bharti

The winners for these events were:

Debate- Bhawna Bharti
Game of Shows- Nirabhra Pandey
Creative Writing- Arushi Bhatia

The participation in these events was quite good and AWAAZ looks forward to organize such events for the betterment of the students and the institute.

5th September Fresher’s Poetry, Stand-up comedy,
11th September Model United Nation
2th November Diwali Mela Stand-up comedy, Poetry Show
6 & 7th February Anugoonj Creative Writing, Just A Minute, Debate, Quiz, Poetry
7 & 8th March Vikiran Creative Writing, Just A Minute, Debate